Requirements and regulations are constantly changing across borders, yet you need to be able to monitor your compliance in the countries where you do business. Are you aware of the current tax requirements in each of those countries? Does your enterprise resource planning (ERP) system have embedded audit corrections? Are you in control of your data?
Your organisation needs measures in place to efficiently and effectively monitor your cross-border tax compliance.
PwC’s integrated team of accounting, VAT and corporate tax specialists uses the latest tools and technology to deliver compliance monitoring solutions customised to your specific needs. Our in-house service COMPaSS (COMPliance knowledge Applied and Structurally Shared) provides a country-by-country snapshot of the requirements and regulatory processes you need to comply with internationally.
We’ll analyse your ERP to measure compliance from accounting, VAT and corporate tax perspectives. Our technology-enabled, global network of specialists will work with you to optimise your compliance monitoring, wherever you operate, from complexity to execution.
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