United by passion

Proud partner of the Red Devils and Red Flames since 2011

Football’s a sport that brings out a true sense of passion, of rallying behind the same team and cheering them on to hopeful victory, but also having the tenacity to stick by their side when things don’t go as planned. PwC’s been proudly sponsoring the Royal Belgian Football Association (RBFA) since 2011, a time when the teams weren’t as prominent on the world stage as they are today. Over the years, we’ve cheered at the highs and held steadfast through the rest.

The Red Devils and Red Flames really are OUR teams and we’re immensely proud of everything they achieve. We share a deep connection with their core values: a mighty passion for what we do, the relentless pursuit of excellence, strength of unity and the transformative power of success. Just as with the RBFA, PwC’s a place where people can be their authentic selves everyday and excel in their chosen field. We too promote inclusion, health and wellbeing. 

You’ll not only find us at games with our people and clients passionately cheering for our teams, but we’re behind the scenes too. We worked with the RBFA on its digital transformation, helping to develop an app that connects the federation to the wider football community in Belgium in an inspiring way. 

Our connection runs deep and we’re looking forward to remaining by the RBFA’s side for many years to come.

 Red Devil in disguise

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Who’s the (Red) Devil in disguise? And what do they have in common with PwC? Watch to find out!

Unleash your devilish skills and WIN

Enter the #pwcfreestylechallenge

Got your own impressive ball skills to share? Share a photo or short video of your best trick shots with any inanimate object as a post, story or reel on Instagram (or via Facebook), mentioning @PwC.Belgium and using the hashtag #pwcfreestylechallenge for your chance to win a football shirt signed by a Red Devil! 

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