Technology and Digitalisation

Technology – particularly IT-based technology – has made inexorable progress into virtually every aspect of our workplaces. It has become an indispensable tool in a range of applications, including improving operational efficiency, controlling costs and managing client relations.

However, while it’s easy to continue to view digital technology simply as a tool to make work easier, its promise is much greater – if the right technology is applied to the right challenges. Used properly, it can add value throughout an organisation. 

In order for your company to realise this potential, it is vital to identify where the challenges – and opportunities – lie, and to determine which are the most appropriate technologies for you to deploy. The aim should be to make the technology become the means to an end – not the end in itself.

Realising the potential for technology in your organisation

For many organisations, the role of technology is seen as a tool to assist in solving specific problems. This may be to enhance productivity in order to achieve targets, or to manage supply chains to ensure end users receive sensitive or fragile products in good time and good shape. 

Other organisations may have realised that peers and competitor companies are using technology in ways that they are not. This may create an understandable desire to ensure that any competitive advantage does not become too large.

Such approaches, however, risks pigeonholing technology as a mere problem solver; significantly underestimating its true potential. A better perspective is to think of technology not as a solution in its own right, but rather as a product or feature for adding value; value that can be realised throughout a business or organisation. 

The optimum approach lies in first accurately defining the challenge to be addressed. Once you have undertaken this process, then you can define the solutions that you need to resolve the problem but also to bring significant enhancement. 





Which technological applications are relevant for you?

The rapid rate of technological advance has seen the emergence of a number of high-profile applications - such as the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence – which appear to offer the prize of game-changing benefits to companies. However, without a clear plan on how and where they can make a difference for your organisation, such applications can become solutions in search of a problem, yet with associated costs in acquisition and training.

The answer lies in clearly defining the nature of your challenge; not from a technological perspective, but from an operational one. What are the issues you face, and how can you resolve them in such a way that maximises the benefit? Only after doing this should you look at a technology-based solution and define the most appropriate application – or applications – for you. 

How PwC can help you

Our role is to act as the external inspiration for change that helps our clients do what is best for them and to maximise the benefits they extract from their investments in technologies.

While PwC understands the nature of technology, we also understand that any transformation should have a strong business case; not simply change for change’s sake. The most important outcome is that you see tangible benefits.

PwC will work with you to define the problems to be solved and the desired outcome. We will also look at how other organisations are deploying technology and what aspects of their approach could be relevant to you. 

Once we have completed those assessments, we will help you determine the best methodology – and technologies – to deliver your goals. Only then will we recommend which digital tools will be most worthwhile for you.

Future Trends: PwC Thought Leadership

If you want to know more about PwC and how we view the future of healthcare, read our thought leadership contributions. 

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Contact us

Jan Debaere

Jan Debaere

Partner, Health Industries Lead, PwC Belgium

Tel: +32 473 92 46 11

Xavier Verhaeghe

Xavier Verhaeghe

Partner Technology Consulting & Innovation, PwC Belgium

Tel: +32 495 59 08 40
