Next generation public sector

A more sustainable, resilient and digital society after COVID-19

PwC's support in Recovery and Resiliency Facility

The COVID-19 pandemic has put a significant strain on our economies and societal systems. To mitigate the economic and social impact of the crisis, the European Commission has set up the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF). Its aim is to fund investment and reforms that will make Europe more sustainable, resilient and better prepared for future challenges and opportunities. Now is the time to drive growth, transform and move ahead. 

As part of the RRF, a financial enveloppe of €5.9 billion has been allocated to Belgium to strengthen its economic and social foundations, ensuring future economic growth and supporting the digital and environmental transition. In this context, every member state must allocate a minimum of 20% of its expenditure on digital and 37% on green transition objectives.

 Faced with the sheer complexity of this undertaking PwC Belgium has brought together a multidisciplinary team of experts to assist organisations from the conceptualisation to the implementation phase of RRF projects. PwC’s Recovery & Resilience Support aims to encourage the effective usage of these funds and ensure the qualitative implementation of projects.

Where can PwC assist?

Impact on your organisation

To access the funds allocated to Belgium under the RRF, public and private entities must envisage, develop and realise detailed projects, with due regard for their impact on the following transformation axes. 

Digital Transformation

Technology has become increasingly integrated into every aspect of our lives, both personally and professionally. Is your organisation adequately prepared for the continuous digital transformation advocated under the RRF? Do you have a strategy in place that enables you and your staff to efficiently adapt to new technologies and digital challenges - such as 5G and Artificial Intelligence?

Green Transition

The urgency of a profound and swift transition to a low-carbon and sustainable economy affects all of us. Is your organisation adequately prepared for the green transition that will become the new norm under the RRF? After all, the way we do business is the very foundation of our prosperity and we share a common responsibility to lead the green transition and create genuine, enduring value for all.

Cohesion, crisis preparedness and response

At PwC, we strongly believe that forewarned is forearmed. We help organisations build resilience before a crisis hits, raising confidence and awareness to ensure strong and effective leadership during any crisis situation. Our core crisis preparedness solutions will help assess and improve your organisational resilience and better equip you for the challenges that lie ahead.

Where can PwC assist?

Whether you wish to discuss opportunities for your organisation or require specific expertise in the implementation of your projects, PwC can guide you throughout the process and meet your individual requirements.

Identification of opportunities and synergies

At PwC Belgium, we monitor on-going governmental efforts - both on a regional and federal level - regarding the allocation of RRF funds and the identification of reforms and investments. 

We can assist your organisation in the design and development of projects that are in line with the Belgian National Recovery & Resilience Plan. We advise you on project management and regulatory considerations to maximise the eligibility of your projects for funding. 

Furthermore, we can assist your organisation in the identification of possible synergies with other funds foreseen in the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), such as Horizon Europe, Digital Europe and the Connecting Europe Facility. 

Implementation of projects

At PwC Belgium, our multidisciplinary team of experts can guide your organisation through the most complex transformation projects, with due regard for your project’s specific contribution to one or more of the principal transformation axes under the RRF. 

Our experienced PwC specialists work closely with organisations of all sizes and within numerous sectors to help them face the challenges of tomorrow.

Implementation monitoring

The RRF regulation foresees the continuous monitoring of targets and milestones defined for each individual reform or investment. PwC can assist your organisation with the preparation of impact and progress reports in line with the methodology defined by the European Commission and within the Belgian National Recovery & Resilience Plan.

Take on Tomorrow 

Our new perspective series ‘Take on Tomorrow’ brings you the latest thinking regarding post-COVID-19 economic recovery initiatives from across our global network, delivering bold insights for bold leaders. With new articles being added every week sign up here and be the first to read them.

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Take on Tomorrow

Contact us

Roy Coppieters

Roy Coppieters

Director, PwC Belgium

Tel: +32 477 81 49 11

Axel Comhaire

Axel Comhaire

Director, PwC Belgium

Tel: +32 477 61 81 49

Connect with PwC Belgium