Although not all shocks to your company or organisation will necessarily unravel into a full-blown crisis, PwC knows from experience that the way organisations prepare for and respond to disruptive events will determine their overall ability to mitigate a crisis, recover, and ultimately emerge stronger.
PwC can support your organisation through the critical phases of a disruptive event, and assemble a team of multidisciplinary crisis specialists to guide you to the best possible outcome. We assist you locally to weather the storm, and you can also rely on the deep experience and global reach of our PwC Network to support your organisation when and where you need it.
Our PwC crisis management experts have assisted numerous private and public entities, before, during and after a crisis, by providing guidance through the following phases.
At PwC, we strongly believe that forewarned is forearmed. We help organisations build resilience before a crisis hits, raising confidence and awareness to ensure strong and effective leadership during a crisis situation. Our core crisis preparedness solutions help assess and improve your capacity to respond.
Although preparation is key, actual decision-making can still prove to be disjointed in times of crisis, resulting in lost time, capital and public trust. PwC can provide assistance when a crisis hits, and guide you through each phase.
We’ll mobilise a multidisciplinary team of experts to help you get to the core of the situation so you can understand, prioritise and address the problems, building confidence with your stakeholders while taking back control.
The effects of a crisis can be long-lasting, and there should always be an eye on the future. After the initial mitigation and stabilisation phases of a crisis, PwC supports you as you recover.
We can help you document the lessons-learned and identify opportunities for improvement. Whereas crisis response decisions have to be fact-based, we can investigate the crisis’ root causes, leveraging on the experience of key responders, and conduct in-depth reviews where relevant to help bolster your overall organisational resilience.
Our multidisciplinary PwC team can also assist you with culture and change management - often overlooked while actually requiring permanent attention - and design a tailored roadmap for improvement. And we can aid in various ways with its implementation. We’ll help you learn from the settling dust and capitalise on these lessons-learned and opportunities from improvement.
In times of crisis, we’ve got you covered. To ensure the swift notification and deployment of your crisis team and our specialists, PwC developed a Crisis App for mobile devices.
Via the Crisis App, you tap into deep crisis management expertise in the field you need, from cyber incident response and fraud, to business continuity and legal assistance. The PwC Crisis App features rapid notification of crisis contacts, and guidance on taking the first steps in case of a crisis situation:
Instant connection with our crisis consultants
SMS notification for your key crisis contacts
Instant virtual meeting room
Crisis guidelines for various scenarios