Learning every day

One of the best business schools in the world

Lifetime learning is key to our profession and being able to continue to deliver the high-quality, relevant solutions our clients expect and enable us to deliver the challenging work people are looking for. It’s also one of our organisation’s core values. We continuously invest in our people by providing appropriate, quality learning and development opportunities that help them stay ahead and enable us as a business to continually adapt.

You’re in the driver’s seat of your development

We offer high-quality learning solutions and strive to create and maintain a learner-driven culture, where people take ownership of their own development. PwC has a reputation of being one of the “Best business schools in the world”. That’s why so many people choose to join our firm. They know that with PwC, they’ll be able to gain business acumen, specific technical skills and soft skills, amongst others, at a rapid pace. That continues throughout their time with the firm, right up to Partner level.

Addressing the needs of a digital world 

We work to make sure everyone learns transferable skills such as creativity, problem solving, digital acumen and leadership to help you think, act and thrive in a more unpredictable and rapidly digitising world. Our unique Digital Accelerator programme entails a six- to nine-month learning journey to help you drive change across the firm, leveraging technology and related project management best practices to automate processes, discover insights and further improve the value, quality and experience for our clients and our people. Those that take part in the programme develop skills that will be useful wherever their careers take them. 

Enhancing your ESG IQ

As environmental, social and governance (ESG) topics continue to increase in importance to people and organisations alike, we launched an ESG Academy to  upskill the entire PwC network on ESG topics. It provides information, content and tools to enable people to learn, in a self-study mode, more about what we’re doing and embed it in their day-to-day role. Its aim is to enhance our collective ESG IQ, help teams integrate ESG into existing service offerings and create new cross-competency services to support clients and communities.

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Laurence Janssens

Laurence Janssens

Talent Acquisition Lead, PwC Belgium

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