Risk consulting

Create business value through the optimisation of your risk and compliance management.

Gain competitive advantage.
Do business with confidence

In a volatile and uncertain world, sources of risk range from new technologies, increasing regulatory requirements and heightened expectations and scrutiny, not only from regulators but also from shareholders and clients.

An integrated perspective on risk, regulation and compliance is key for building resilience, trust and competitive advantage. We bring together experience across risk, regulation, finance and compliance to help you navigate one - or all - of the phases you’ll encounter throughout the risk lifecycle.

Risk consulting: Gain competitive advantage. Do business with confidence

Our services

Our risk professionals will help you identify, understand and manage risk by leveraging technology to create tailor-made solutions. We mitigate risk in the following areas:

Contact us

Didier Vandenhaute

Didier Vandenhaute

Partner Capital Project & Infrastructure, PwC Belgium

Tel: +32 475 91 06 78

Bruno Deraedt

Bruno Deraedt

Director, PwC Belgium

Tel: +32 493 24 04 02

Ben Colson

Ben Colson

Director, PwC Belgium

Tel: +32 493 24 04 45

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