Making a real contribution to the world

Helping communities

We believe business plays a key role in addressing societal challenges. At PwC Belgium, this means ensuring our people have the time and opportunities to contribute positively to their communities. This not only benefits society: It also helps every single one of us find personal and professional fullfilment. 

So, how does this work? We encourage involvement in societal projects, whether they are proposed by the firm or inspired by personal causes. This may involve offering skills and services on a pro bono basis, assisting during disasters, supporting social projects, saving for school meals, or fundraising. Each year, we organise our Impact Day, where our people contribute in various ways from cleaning national parks and assisting at animal shelters, to renovating community centres. Through these efforts, we not only give back to the community but also create a sense of purpose.

Join us in making a difference and leave a lasting impact on the world we live in!

Committed to net zero

PwC is committed to achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. This is part of our broader effort to tackle climate change, in which each one of us plays a crucial role.

Thanks to our people's commitment to meeting our annual sustainability targets, we have already reduced paper use by 80%. Our Brussels office has waste disposal points on each floor for bio-waste collection and composting, with compost being made available to employees or donated to local schools. Additionally, we've implemented the Too Good to Go app in our Antwerp and Brussels restaurants. With this initiative, each meal purchased saves approximately 2.5 kg of CO2 emissions.

Finally, we have already transitioned to 100% renewable electricity and aim to fully electrify our fleet by 2028. We also strongly encourage alternative mobility options. And these efforts will continue until we reach our net zero objective.

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Contact us

Laurence Janssens

Laurence Janssens

Talent Acquisition Lead, PwC Belgium

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