Making a real contribution to the world

Making a difference

We believe business has a key role to play in addressing current societal challenges and to foster the inclusive transformation of society for a more digital world. And that people should be given the time and opportunity to make a positive contribution which not only benefits the communities around them, but also offers them meaning in their personal and professional lives. That’s why at PwC Belgium, we encourage people to get involved in projects that serve society.

Turning our purpose into actions

At PwC, we actively seek to translate our purpose - to build trust in society and solve important problems - into specific actions and behaviours so that our people can see how their work contributes to that purpose, specifically from supporting the successful functioning of economies to helping business and society do the right thing on environment, social and governance (ESG) topics.

Committed to net zero

PwC has made a worldwide near-term science-based commitment to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions with 2030 goals. This commitment’s just one element of our determination to tackle the climate change crisis. Everyone at PwC has an integral role to play in helping us achieve this ambition. Each year, our people are given a target to meet in terms of paper reduction and offered a bonus for doing so. Since FY19, we’ve achieved an 80% reduction in paper consumption. Each floor of the Brussels office features a waste corner where bio waste is collected and composted. The compost

is made available to employees for use in their gardens or donated to local school(s). The Too Good to Go app has been introduced for our Antwerp and Brussels restaurants. Each meal purchased through the app represents a saving of +/- 2.5kg of CO2 emissions.

Enhancing your ESG IQ

As environmental, social and governance (ESG) topics continue to increase in importance to people and organisations alike, we launched an ESG Academy to  upskill the entire PwC network on ESG topics. It provides information, content and tools to enable people to learn, in a self-study mode, more about what we’re doing and embed it in their day-to-day role. Its aim is to enhance our collective ESG IQ, help teams integrate ESG into existing service offerings and create new cross-competency services to support clients and communities.

Supporting local communities

At PwC Belgium, we encourage people to get involved in projects that serve society, be they proposed by the firm or by our people who have a cause close to their heart for which they’re looking for support. That may mean offering skills and services on a pro bono basis, volunteering at charitable projects, fundraising to make a financial contribution, etc. This year alone, each of our business units has spent a day in Wallonia (Belgium) to help clear up after the devastating floods that impacted so many people. 

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Laurence Janssens

Laurence Janssens

Talent Acquisition Lead, PwC Belgium

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