Prepare your small, medium or family business for the future

Companies of all sizes face similar obstacles, but your small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) or family-run business has unique challenges. Is your organisation fit for the future?

Your challenges

Political turmoil, changes in the marketplace and new technologies disrupting existing business models can all impact the bottom line of your SME. You need to ensure your company can navigate uncertainties while maintaining growth, now and into the future. 

SMEs and family businesses often face the challenge of finding and retaining the right staff. While large corporations have solid management structures composed of boards and executives, your business must also have a well-defined structure in place.

When current management/owners retire, what will happen? Will the company be passed on to a family member, or sold to an acquaintance or a corporation? You need a clear succession plan. Do you have the measures in place to ensure your business is fit for the future?

Companies of all sizes face similar obstacles, but your small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) or family-run business has unique challenges

How we can help 

Our experienced PwC specialists work closely with companies of all sizes to help you face challenges like compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and tax reporting, as well as other issues specific to smaller organisations like yours. We help you establish an effective management structure and find the talent you need to grow your business. Plus, SMEs in Flanders are eligible for significant government subsidies for our services. 

If you’re looking to buy or sell part or all of your company for reasons like growth or retirement, we’ll deliver an end-to-end solution spanning strategy, transactions, real estate, profit distribution, wealth management and more, customised to your specific needs. We can audit your business so you have the documentation to provide assurance to your banks and other stakeholders.

Our tax, accounting, audit, deals and legal specialists in Belgium and abroad will collaborate as needed to help prepare your business for a prosperous and sustainable future.

Contact us

Griet Helsen

Griet Helsen

Partner, Assurance, PwC Belgium

Tel: +32 475 89 16 21

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