Go to Market in the new HealthCare Ecosystem

Launching a new therapy on the market is increasingly challenging in a fast-moving, heavily regulated market. It requires considerable time and effort, huge upfront investment with the risk of a high attrition rate among potential candidate products, while patent protection is time-limited. 

Thus, where go-to-market becomes a realistic prospect, it is vital that the process runs as smoothly as possible in order to minimize delays. This means seeking a (fast-track) marketing authorisation, preparing for rapid market access and building awareness of the therapy, to improve patients’ adherence/experience and consequently their quality of life.

An efficient, effective Go-to-Market strategy needs in-depth understanding of the interactions between key healthcare stakeholders. It also requires a neutral, ‘helicopter view’ of all aspects of the procedure, to know where and when to act. This requires skilled, qualified advisers with a global understanding of all challenges and opportunities.

PwC can help you reimagine your go-to-market strategy by leveraging innovative solutions from Market Access, to Commercial Excellence, to driving a positive patient experience and managing hospitals effectively. We offer you expertise and bespoke integrated solutions across the healthcare industry value chain.

doctor starting MRI machine

Managing the Regulatory Process & Market Access

Preparing your market authorisation submission (regulatory and market access approval) is a demanding, precision task, combining the societal value of the treatment and its cost-effectiveness (as assessed by, for example, Health Technology Assessment). There is also the budget impact, the global value-based healthcare perspective reflected in the PROM and PREM (Patient Reported Outcomes/Experience Measures), the accessibility and the patient positioning during treatment.  

The dossier requirements also vary depending on the regulatory pathway chosen, the body – and country - responsible for approval and the nature of the therapy.

The emergence of supranational procurement initiatives such as Beneluxa and the Valletta Declaration also need to be considered. Our unique position - linking and involving all healthcare stakeholders - will help you prepare your (transnational) submission, minimize delays and accelerate outcomes. PwC’s European network lets us tap into (inter)national expertise and insights to finetune strategies and tactics.

Do you want to read more on the future trends in Pricing and Reimbursement?

PwC regularly publishes thought leadership assets with insights into the significant realignment within the healthcare environment. We also interview opinion leaders helping shape the future direction of healthcare policy. Please visit our Thought Leadership section.

At European level, there are ongoing discussions around a single price for pharmaceuticals, as well as an increasing role of digitalisation in evidence generation. At national level, two-phase reimbursement for higher price products is being considered. Pharmaceutical and biotech companies need to be prepared for the potential consequences of such developments.





Optimizing commercial excellence 

Launching a new brand or new formulation is a critical step in drug development, requiring developing, implementing and executing a tailored strategy that highlights the unique value proposition of the brand(s) in a complex, competitive environment. It must consider the needs of all key stakeholders and keep the patients at the center. 

Hybrid medical care, which blends the digital and physical approaches, is the way to build trusted relationships with key players and is the most appropriate combination for leading your sales effectiveness. 

As a part of Commercial Excellence, PwC puts in place a sales and marketing strategy to maximize success, targeting not only clinical specialists, but also general practitioners, pharmacists, nurses and other key stakeholders. Even later in the brand lifecycle, PwC experts will help you maximize the value of your brand with strategic and operational support. 

Online doctors consultation
nurse helping patient

Engaging with patients

Healthcare priorities are shifting to a patient-centered approach, focusing on wellbeing and quality of life. This has led to greater involvement – at all stages - for patient representatives and associations in determining which (clinical) outcomes truly add value. Patients need to be ‘onboarded’ and experience the benefits. These positive experiences will result in a higher level of patient engagement and patient ownership. 

Another key trend is the shift from disease- and treatment-oriented care towards well-care. This will shift us further from patient-centered to people-centered care with greater emphasis on staying healthy through prevention. 

PwC will help you design a patient engagement strategy and a value proposition for patients and all other important stakeholders, to reinforce their engagement. These will be brand- specific for each therapeutic area.

Managing hospitals and implementing Hospital@home 

The hospital – and the hospital network of the future - is confronted with many challenges, including:

  • Managing patients, whose role is changing from passive receivers of information to informed decision-makers

  • A disruptive labour market where roles and responsibilities will clearly evolve

  • Integrating digital and data-driven technology

  • An integration of the structures and a redistribution of the activities

  • Adjusting to a value-based healthcare strategy that challenges current financial models

go to market

“We shouldn’t be revising the system of yesterday; we should be designing the system that is ready to meet the future.”

Paul d’OtreppeVice President, Belgian Association of Hospital’s Managers (BVZD/ABDH)

In future, hospitals will need to work jointly via networks, and with first-line care and universities to address these emerging changes and reform the current hospital ecosystem. 

As pressure on existing infrastructure increases, healthcare organizations are turning to an innovative cost-effectiveness solution: Hospital@Home. 

This is a model focusing on prevention and digital health access that provides acute or subacute care for a condition that may previously have required patient hospitalization. Patients can remain in the comfort of their own home, while diagnostics and therapeutics are delivered to them. Through accurate remote patient monitoring, more patients can benefit from care while physicians’ efficiency increases. 

health industry supply chain medicines

PwC can help you define your innovative strategy and roadmap/journey for the hospital and patient of the future, and we can show you how the emergence of value-based healthcare can impact your day-to-day activities. By rethinking your current operating model and by working with you to design the workforce of the future, you will be ready to face these challenges.

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Contact us

Jan Debaere

Jan Debaere

Partner, Health Industries Lead, PwC Belgium

Tel: +32 473 92 46 11

Michele Paque

Michele Paque

External Senior Advisor, Life Sciences and Healthcare, PwC Belgium

Tel: +32 477 60 50 51

Ilse Kennes

Ilse Kennes

Director, PwC Belgium

Tel: +32 477 62 58 71
