Compliance that fits your business

IFRS & accounting expertise

The accounting effects of acquisitions and divestitures are challenging and must be properly assessed as they not only influence reporting and future results, but impact your covenants and financial ratios too.

We can help you:

- assess the impact of clauses included in share purchase agreements and other financial arrangements

- account for purchase price allocation and draft related disclosures

- convert from existing GAAP and/or align the acquired firm’s accounting policies to those of your business

- align reporting processes and deal with “day two” issues such as potential changes to segment reporting and goodwill impairment testing

- through the accounting and reporting complexities of carve-out financial statements.

With a proven track record of successful conversions, we work with you to develop and deliver solutions that meet your specific needs. Via training sessions and workshops, we can help you with accounting topics and explain practical implementation issues. All our advice is pragmatic and tailored to your individual business context.

Contact us

Patrice Schumesch

Patrice Schumesch

Partner, PwC Belgium

Tel: +32 477 61 91 13

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