Game of Threats™

Are you adequately prepared to respond to cyber threats?

Game of Threats™ offers a unique way to educate and raise awareness of cybersecurity.

Educating the board about cybersecurity threats

In our fast-moving, interconnected world, cyber risks are growing and business leaders need to identify and protect what’s most crucial to their organisations.

A firm’s cybersecurity strategy should be led from the top; it’s crucial that board members understand and prepare for attacks.

The board might recognise the reputational, financial and regulatory impacts of a cybersecurity breach on their business, but do they know how to prepare for a cyber incident, understand where the threat might come from and how to respond in the face of a potentially high-profile attack?

PwC's Game of Threats™ offers a unique way to educate and raise awareness of cybersecurity – allowing you to experience the key decisions you need to make during a cyberattack. 

Visual of man in circle with icons about technology

Systems breached. Under attack. Keep control.

What is Game of Threats™?

Game of Threats™ is a head-to-head digital game that simulates what you’ll experience as an executive when your company is targeted by a cyberattack. During the game, you’ll get to play both the role of attacker and defender, working against the clock and with limited resources in a race to beat your opponents.

Game of Threats™ challenges you to make quick, high-impact decisions. It helps you understand the activities that can make the biggest difference and provides valuable insight into emerging cyber threats.

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Game of Threats™

Game of Threats™ is a head-to-head digital game that simulates the experience of executives when their company is targeted by a cyber attack. Game of Threats™ provides players with the opportunity to familiarise themselves with cyber terminology, assess their readiness for cyber incidents and explore the strategies to

Game of Threats™ features


As a threat actor (attacker) or part of a company team, you have your own iPad controller showing you the impact of your decisions in real-time on a shared monitor.

Game play replicates real-world challenges

Actions are designed around the concept of a shuffled deck of “virtual cards” displayed onscreen, so you encounter different options every time you play.

Detailed play-by-play summary

PwC moderators provide a detailed summary of each game, reviewing both teams’ strategy, actions and missed opportunities.

Contact us

Bart De Win

Bart De Win

Director, PwC Belgium

Tel: +32 479 46 79 57

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