Advances in digital technology have changed the way we live and the way we do our business. But just like your business, criminals take advantage of innovation in technology. No business is immune.
Luckily, you don’t need to face this threat alone. At PwC, we have a deep understanding of cybersecurity. Our experienced teams apply a proven and robust approach to dealing with advanced cyber threats. We can minimise the impact of cybercrime if it strikes and help protect your organisation from future attacks.
We have specialists in investigation and security and risk services, including former law enforcement agents and attorneys.
Our team includes:
Certified information system security professionals
SANS certified forensic analysts
Encase certified examiners
Electronic records management masters
Certified fraud examiners
Certified malware reverse engineering
Incident handling specialists
We have 65 cyber labs in 37 countries and our methods and processes stand up to scrutiny by the courts and regulators. We help to ensure your investment in incident response matches the risks you really face – which we can help identify.
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Advances in digital technology have changed the way we live, and the way we do our business. Just like your business, criminals take advantage of innovation in technology. Cybercrime can happen at any time and from anywhere. No business is immune.
Concerned about cyber threats? Watch our video on Cyber security