The tax function in a multinational organisation is evolving from a classic tax reporting approach to being in full control of its tax operations. You need to design an effective tax function to comply with increasing global reporting requirements like country-by-country reporting (CbCR) and other transparency initiatives, which are impacting operations and budget allocations within the tax function.
Increased stakeholder scrutiny and reputational risk mean your organisation must continuously re-evaluate its tax position and internal policies. You need to demonstrate that you’re in control of your data, have an effective tax policy in place and are aware of the latest regulations in the countries where you operate.
Is your tax function future-ready? PwC’s happy to guide you through the complexities.
Our tax reporting and strategy specialists will work closely with you to design the tax department you need to ensure you have the required capabilities and are in control, either via a co-sourcing arrangement or the latest trend in tax function design: a managed services approach, whereby we become part of your in-house tax function. We use the latest tools and technology like automation to bridge foreign generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) figures with local tax books.
Our experienced tax teams will help you develop and implement the framework you need to manage your data and ensure accurate, transparent reporting. The shift from classic compliance reporting to an effective, data-driven tax function frees up time for more transparent and value-added tax activities and enables your tax function to become a true business partner, helping your organisation achieve a sustainable tax strategy.
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