Selling a company

You’ve decided to sell all or part of your business. How do you secure the best price and conditions in the shortest possible time frame?

Your challenges

Selling all or part of a company of any size is as time-consuming as it’s complicated. To obtain the best deal, it’s essential to prepare your business in advance. If you’re offering your company on the market, you need a comprehensive vendor due diligence report to pinpoint any issues and to provide potential buyers with a clear view of your business from the outset. Smaller businesses like start-ups and scale-ups must professionalise their finance and tax functions and take measures to make sure their company’s sale-ready.

In case of a carve-out, additional considerations like people and assets come into play and complexities can grow exponentially. How can you prepare for the sale of your company, in whole or in part, the best possible outcome?

How we can help

Our vastly experienced mergers and acquisitions (M&A) Tax team, together with our PwC Transactions team, will guide you through selling all or part of your company to make sure you get the best possible deal. We perform comprehensive vendor due diligence and share the results with potential buyers. This avoids having to deal with each party’s advisors individually, freeing up management’s valuable time. While the due diligence allows us to spot opportunities and unlock potential, it also serves to identify and resolve potential issues early on. 

Next, we work to formulate a share purchase agreement (SPA) that’s tax-neutral and to your benefit. In case of a carve-out, we leverage our accounting, HR and finance networks to help you navigate the additional complexities and execute the carve-out in a tax-efficient way. For smaller businesses, we make sure your company’s sale-ready by setting up an optimal structure and professionalising your tax function.

Regardless of the size of your company or whether you’re selling all or part of it, we’ll make sure you’ll get the most out of the sale.