Buying a company

An acquisition can open up new and exciting opportunities for your organisation, but it can also include hidden tax and legal risks.

Your challenges

Are you aware of the underlying risks of acquiring the company you're targeting? 

Before you seal the deal, you need to perform thorough due diligence to get an accurate view of your potential acquisition: to expose risks, certainly, but also to uncover hidden opportunities for a true valuation of your target. Prior to acquiring the company’s shares, it’s essential to analyse and quantify the risks of the share purchase agreement (SPA) from a tax perspective.

How do you model the structure and the financing you’re negotiating? Are you equipped to deal with potential legal, finance, HR and organisational issues? How do you overcome these challenges concurrently and within a short timeframe?

How we can help

Our multidisciplinary mergers and acquisitions (M&A) Tax team works closely with our PwC network to provide you with end-to-end support through every stage of your acquisition. We cover all aspects of due diligence: we analyse, quantify and mitigate the risks. We gather information on your target(s) and generate a detailed report that highlights risks, which we then link to the SPA and look for alternatives in the form of value-enhancing opportunities. 

Find out more about our Tax Due Diligence Light and request a demo.

We model the structure, setup and financing of the transaction with your business plan to give you a clear view of the tax and financial impact of the deal. In case of an international acquisition, we have M&A teams in place worldwide with whom we work in an efficient and integrated way to guide you through all aspects of buying a company.