Partner Mergers & Acquisitions, PwC Belgium
Nancy is Tax Lead Partner of the Mergers and Acquisitions team at PwC. She joined PwC in 1996, after having worked in the audit department of Ernst & Young. She has been involved in Transactions related work since 2001. She has extensive experience in tax and legal related work.
She provides tax services across the deal continuum including due diligence, transaction structuring, tax modelling, purchase and financing agreement reviews, post deal integration and restructurings. She has been involved in a lot of significant Belgian as well as international deals. Furthermore, she provides tax advice and implementation of tax strategy planning ideas at national and international level.
Finally, she has gained a lot of experience over the years in corporate simplification, mainly in the EMEA region. Being an active member of IAB-IEC, Nancy is part of the examining board for certified tax advisors. She is also a tutor at the Manama tax law at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) on restructurings. She’s an author of several books and articles on national and international topics. She has worked for a broad range of top tear financial and strategic clients.
Her experience encompasses a broad range of industries including consumer products, IT, consulting business, telecom, chemicals, energy, manufacturing, transport and media. Her main domains of expertise are tax due diligence, international acquisition structuring, national and international restructuring, corporate simplification, carve-out, post-deal integration and tax modelling.
Nancy has a degree “Accountancy and Tax” as well as a degree “Accountancy and Tax Law”. She also holds a master degree in “Tax Law”. Nancy is also a certified accountant and a certified tax advisor.
Nancy has 20 years of experience in the field of international taxation with a specialisation in M&A as well as financing structures. She has an important experience in all tax aspects involved in acquisitions as well as in corporate simplification and restructuring.
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