BankLab™ Solution

Optimised cash management. Secured savings

BankLab™ is a unique online analytics solution that enables you to navigate the cash management world across 150 countries. Constantly updated by banks and the PwC network, you’ll always have access to the latest information on what’s possible.

Do you struggle to understand....


  • whether the rates for your banking services are competitive and how they compare to your peers?
  • in which countries your bank operates and whether it can really serve your needs?
  • where "collection or payment on behalf of" is possible?
  • what the latest cash pooling techniques available in different countries are?


BankLab™ has the answers

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BankLab™ Solution: Optimised cash management. Secured

BankLab™ is a unique online analytics solution that enables you to navigate the cash management world across 150 countries. Constantly updated by banks and the PwC network, you’ll always have access to the latest information on what’s possible.


BankLab™ Solution logo in colour

BankLab™ can help you manage a banking restructuring project with one clear objective:

Optimise your cash management processes globally while delivering secured savings
BankLab™ Solutions on PC
Icon report of data

Pre-populated, country-specific data sets makes data gathering easy and very efficient.


Report sheet icon

Built-in reports and dynamic dashboards allow you to analyse your current banking structure, and quickly identify areas for improvement.


Benchmarking / comparison graph icon

BankLab™ automatically compares costs applied to all of your services and dynamically benchmarks them against similar sized companies, identifying the savings you’ll make.


BankLab™ logo - search icon only

Your whole tendering process with banks can be made through one single source of truth: BankLab™. 


Contact us

Didier Vandenhaute

Didier Vandenhaute

Partner Capital Project & Infrastructure, PwC Belgium

Tel: +32 475 91 06 78

Stéphanie van der Haert

Stéphanie van der Haert

Director, PwC Belgium

Tel: +32 477 73 92 07

Connect with PwC Belgium