
Is your finance function fully equipped to deliver the insight that can make a real difference to the business?

We can help you implement only those technologies you need to assure your relevance now and for the future.

Do you deliver the ‘real’ insight your business needs?

Data & analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), robotic process automation (RPA), Blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT) and many others terms are frequently bandied around and lauded as having the power to significantly improve the way you work as a CFO or finance executive.

  • Do you really know what they could mean for your function?
  • Which are relevant to your specific case? 
  • Which to focus on to realise promised efficiency gains, reduce the cost of finance to the organisation and enable you to increase the value you add?

Alongside relevant technologies, do you have the required skills, roles and processes in place to adequately analyse, visualise and manipulate data to take your place as a true partner that adds measurable value to the business?

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The future of Finance

Data & analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), robotic process automation (RPA), Blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT) and many others terms are frequently bandied around and lauded as having the power to significantly improve the way you work as a CFO or finance executive. How do you see your function in the future?

How we can help

Starting from your firm’s strategic ambitions and identifying the role of finance in achieving them, we can help you build a roadmap to set you on the right course to accomplish your aims, employing emerging technologies and digital insights where appropriate.

With our support to acquire and develop the talent and tools you need to gather, analyse and use business information in the most efficient and effective way, you’ll be able to enrich your contribution to the business, making you a more valued business partner.

By eliminating waste and improving efficiency, you’ll have more time to focus on the most value-adding activities, thereby increasing staff motivation. You’ll also be better positioned to challenge decision-making processes and bring finance acumen and figures into the business.

We can also help you make sure that your operations have adequate controls in place to remain compliant - on an ongoing basis - as rules and legislation continue to evolve, without adding complexity to the process.


What we do

Cost Management

  • SG&A reduction
  • Zero-based budgeting
  • Activity-based costing (ABC)
  • Benchmarking
  • Product costing

Enterprise Performance Management

  • Strategic planning
  • Budgeting and forecasting
  • Management reporting
  • Dashboard and KPI's
  • Tool selection and implementation support


Accounting Optimisation

  • SmartClose™, a tool that helps you plan and monitor your closing process
  • Chart of accounts optimisation
  • Cost accounting
  • Accounting policies and procedures
  • Consolidation

Enterprise Resource Planning

(Business Applications)

  • Business case and software selection
  • Business requirements and framework design
  • Mergers and carve-outs
  • Master data governance
  • ERP rationalisation
  • Programme management

Finance Transformation

  • Finance strategy
  • Finance diagnostics and benchmarking
  • Target operating model
  • Shared services and outsourcing
  • Post deals transformation
  • Enterprise asset management

Meet our team

Matthias Reyntjens

Partner, Clients and Industries, Ghent, PwC Belgium

+32 476 44 53 92


Pierre Wangen

Managing Director, Brussels, PwC Belgium

+32 476 49 51 22


Theodore Dellis

Director, Brussels, PwC Belgium

+32 479 32 67 84


Nick Van Den Bosch

Director, Brussels, PwC Belgium

+32 477 73 12 34


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