Incentives Hub

Partner in innovation

Finding and applying for subsidies and tax incentives is not as easy as it seems. PwC can help you find the right incentive and file a successful application.

To grow and remain competitive requires investment in all areas, such as research & development (R&D), innovation, new facilities and human capital.  With the financial burden being high, investments are often postponed or fragmented across the business, leading to missed opportunities or failure to fully reach set goals.

Fortunately governments and administrations are stepping up their incentive schemes to support the economy, businesses and workers, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis. Ranging from tax measures to cash grant programmes these incentives aim to minimise costs and increase income, allowing companies to complete their investment plans fully and on time, assuring sustainable growth opportunities..

Navigating your way through the incentives available, the competent authorities, application procedures, filing and keeping track of your applications is more complex than you may realise. Success depends on identifying the correct incentive for your company’s needs and translating it into a compelling and ultimately successful application.  

Finding and applying for subsidies and tax incentives is not as easy as it seems

What are the incentive triggers?

Incentives are typically offered in the following areas:

What are the incentive triggers?

But what are the priorities in each region? And what kind of incentive is best suited for your project? PwC’s team of government incentive experts will guide you through the process, assessing the options and opportunities, and ultimately submitting a successful application.




Our 360° approach: maximise income, while reducing costs

Our 360° approach: maximise income, while reducing cost

Our approach maximises your chances of finding and securing government subsidies to safeguard the future of your business.

  • Assessing opportunities: PwC assesses the funding opportunities linked to a specific project and estimates the potential financial benefits. This could be cash grants linked to research and development and training, as well as tax incentives such as R&D tax credit, withholding tax exemption and innovation income deduction.In a rapidly changing international tax landscape our experts provide the advice you need.
  • Global reach, local approach: Depending on the location of your activity we analyse and secure cash grants via regional, national or EU programmes. We work closely with our colleagues from different geographic areas in order to assure the best match between a potential project and locally available incentives.
  • Securing successful applications: For every application, PwC guides and assists you through the different steps of a grant or incentive application. We implement a centralised structural process allowing you to  keep track of all incentives applied for and received.
  • Support with compliance: Our assistance only stops when the work is done. We support you in ensuring compliance with administrative and financial requirements after a subsidy or tax incentive has been granted.

Government Incentives Scanner

PwC has developed the Government Incentives Scanner, a web-based platform which brings together in one place all available incentives in the regions of Brussels, Flanders and Wallonia. 

In a user-friendly way, you can scan available incentives in specific areas of interest, keep track of your applications and benchmark yourself against other companies. An indispensable tool for any company looking for swift funding.

PwC has developed the Government incentive scanner

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Contact us

Tom Wallyn

Tom Wallyn

Director, PwC Belgium

Tel: +32 47 434 2384

Bart Wyns

Bart Wyns

Director, PwC Belgium

Tel: +32 472 18 84 13
