Evaluate a business

Drawing the complete picture

No matter the size or location of an entity, we have the proven expertise and experience to determine its market value.

Company valuation for corporates 

Determining the value of a large concern, especially one with operations in multiple countries and different business lines, is about more than just maths.

By understanding the business and industry sector it’s in, linking its operations and strategy, we discover the story behind the value and are able to apply relevant methodologies to deliver a reliable valuation.

Company valuation for start-ups and scale-ups

One of the biggest determinants of the value of a young company is market forces on the sector it’s in.

With broad industry knowledge, especially of the technology sector, we’re ideally placed to understand the value of a start-up or scale-up, linking current operations and strategy to discover the story behind the value and identifying future potential.

I am a start-up/scale-up looking for business expertise

We always look at the complete set of financial statements to provide a helicopter view of the company.

Business planning

Devising a strong business plan means looking beyond business profitability. We analyse historical financial and operational key performance indicators (KPIs) and forecast future performance by linking the projected operational KPIs to the market. We always look at the complete set of financial statements (P&L, balance sheet, cash flows) to provide a helicopter view of the company.

Calling on our substantial experience and expertise with different industries, we understand sector differentiators and can create a plan in line with historical performance and the market.

We also incorporate due diligence insights and in-house knowledge to create a fully customised plan that truly reflects your company.


Man and woman talking at a wooden desk with laptop open

Purchase price allocation (PPA)

Companies reporting under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) must integrate the value of an acquisition into their accounts. The purchase price should be allocated to the assets acquired and liabilities assumed, measured at their respective fair value.

Asking the right questions, we can identify and estimate the fair value of all assets and liabilities on the balance sheet, covering both intangible and tangible assets, in a fast and efficient way, and that on an international scale for companies operating across borders, to make sure your newly-integrated business remains IFRS compliant.

Contact us

Geoffroy Jonckheere

Geoffroy Jonckheere

Partner, PwC Belgium

Tel: +32 475 91 08 29

Véronique Gillis

Véronique Gillis

Partner, Deals M&A, PwC Belgium

Tel: +32 47 755 3681

Philippe Rasquin

Philippe Rasquin

Managing Director, PwC Belgium

Tel: +32 477 61 92 06

Xavier Suin

Xavier Suin

Director, PwC Belgium

Tel: +32 47 475 1467

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