Traditional brainstorming sessions aren’t as efficient as you may think – and rarely lead to a ground-breaking innovation or ingenious result. Consensus, which is how most outcomes are decided upon, tends to compromise, rather than pick a bold, unique or daring idea.
Our Sprint process changes all that. Sprint helps you work out if you’re on the right track with an idea before any real commitment to launching a new product or service.
Sprint is a five-day intense and fun co-creation process; we sit with representatives from your business – including your customers - to help you solve important problems or test new and innovative ideas. In less than a week, you can define a problem, compare competing ideas, prototype an idea, test it and get customer feedback.
"What if we could provide you a way to test innovative ideas or challenges very concretely in just five days? "
Map - Sketch - Decide - Prototype - Test
As a global network of experts with broad experience, we can bring the most relevant resources to a Sprint for what you’re trying to achieve.
We create a perfect mix of the right people, smart approach and a strict deadline to accelerate innovation for your firm.
Partner Technology Consulting & Innovation, PwC Belgium
Tel: +32 495 59 08 40
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