Salesforce B2B Commerce Centre of Excellence (CoE)

Best-in-class commerce projects: from commercial strategy through to platform implementation


B2B commerce is undergoing radical change. Most B2B sales interactions between suppliers and buyers are shifting to digital channels. In the coming decade, there won’t be a single product or service sold without a digital shop, buy or self-serve option. This will require unprecedented levels of digital transformation from businesses. It will  fundamentally change the way businesses find and retain customers, take products to market, interact within supply chains and provide services.

The Salesforce B2B Commerce CoE in Belgium guides customers on the journey towards an optimal digital commerce landscape: we support customers from outlining the commerce strategy to the implementation of the Salesforce B2B Commerce platform.

The CoE consists of experienced and certified Salesforce consultants, knowledgeable about the latest industry best practices and the most recent developments of the Salesforce B2B Commerce Cloud solution.

Please find more information below to find out how the Centre of Excellence will support you in your B2B Commerce journey.

Salesforce, global strategic partner logo

Design & Development of eCommerce platforms, based on Salesforce Commerce Cloud

Salesforce Commerce as part of your 360° Salesforce landscape

Your commerce platform integrated with your IT landscape

Support in selecting the right commerce platform

A state-of-art Order Management System (OMS) is key for an optimal online ordering experience

Supporting you from strategy to execution with our BXT framework

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Contact us

Xavier Verhaeghe

Xavier Verhaeghe

Partner Technology Consulting & Innovation, PwC Belgium

Tel: +32 495 59 08 40

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