Integrated reporting

Are you reporting your performance story most effectively?

Combine financial reporting and non-financial reporting to offer the market a clear, targeted and concise picture of your operations.

  • Do you offer the market clear and concise reporting on your operations?
  • Do you put yourself in your stakeholders’ shoes to be sure you’re providing the information that specifically interests them?
  • Is your business model and strategy adequately explained in your report?
  • Have you outlined key performance indicators (KPIs) and described your performance on each?
  • Is your risk reporting clear and transparent?
  • Is your overall story clear?
Are you reporting your performance story most effectively?

Better, proactive and targeted communication to stakeholders offers a deeper understanding of your operations, increasing trust in your company. This doesn’t only refer to financial reporting – although that’s of course a key part –, but also non-financial reporting; looking at other less tangible values relating to governance, environmental, social and human capital topics. Integrated reporting offers users of your reports a comprehensive understanding of the risks and longevity of your business model, generating market confidence in your company’s resilience and making it more attractive to investors.

Research also suggests that the quality of your corporate reporting strongly influences stakeholder perceptions of your management team.

PwC has direct links to the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC)

How we can help

By working with you to identify your different stakeholder groups and the expectations of each (stakeholder management and engagement), we can help you target clear and concise communication toward them to create transparency and generate trust. Focusing solely on what’s relevant (materiality assessment), your reporting becomes much more concise and directs your audiences to the information they’re looking for.

We can help you proactively address market concerns to demonstrate how you’re tackling specific topics or show why they don’t directly impact your business. We can also help you increase and maintain a high quality of reporting to build and sustain your reputation in the market. Using our proprietary integrated reporting tool, we are able to benchmark your performance against peers within your sector or another specific target group to help you gain a better understanding of the big picture and define goals for the successful integration of integrated reporting principles in your organisation.

PwC has direct links to the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), the body responsible for developing the International Reporting (IR) Framework, giving us deep insight into the initiative.

Contact us

Patrice Schumesch

Patrice Schumesch

Partner, PwC Belgium

Tel: +32 477 61 91 13

Elena Shibkova

Elena Shibkova

Managing Director, PwC Belgium

Tel: +32 473 91 06 78

Connect with PwC Belgium