Regulatory compliance

Fully understand and be compliant with AML/ CFT, GDPR, e-privacy, Third Party Risk Management, MiFIDII, AssurMiFID, IDD, PSD2, CSDR, PRIIPS, ESG, and more.

Are you able to navigate the minefield of regulatory requirements?

The regulatory environment of financial services is expanding and becoming ever-more complex. 

Are you up-to-date with the introduction, transposition and development of new regulations from the National Bank of Belgium (NBB), the Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA), the European Banking Authority (EBA), the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) and the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)? 

Financial Crime - AML/CFT, PSD2GDPR,
e-PrivacyMiFIDIIAssurMiFIDIDD, CSRDThird Party Management, Risk culture, Governance, Non-financial risks, PRIIPS, MAD/MAR, ESG, etc.

So much more than a legal or regulatory concern

Not only has the number of regulations exploded, but in recent years regulators have imposed increasingly large fines within the industry. This has raised the pressure and cost to comply however financial institutions should see it as an opportunity to preserve their organisational value and improve business opportunities.

By embedding a strong governance, reliable controls and robust end-to-end monitoring mechanisms within your business, you will not only avoid fines and reputational damage, but you'll also create value for your customers.

How we can help 

With our highly qualified and experienced team of compliance professionals, PwC is uniquely positioned to provide the expertise to assist your organisation with these challenges. We consider all aspects of regulatory obligations, from strategy and front-office activities to the impact on IT infrastructure and product distribution channels, while carefully considering the effects on the internal control system. We'll help you to anticipate changes in the regulatory environment and achieve your most challenging compliance goals.

PwC has a proven approach with a long track record of successful projects. We have helped a wide range of financial institutions, ranging from the biggest Belgian banks and insurance companies to smaller players in the industry. Our compliance offerings cover topics such as regulatory strategy, compliance diagnostic and remediation, direct support to your compliance function, corporate governance assessment, on-site inspection assistance, assistance with licence application, on-going regulatory awareness and assistance, etc...

Our differentiators

Compliance offerings

  • Regulatory strategy
  • Compliance diagnostic and remediation
  • Direct support to your compliance function
  • Corporate governance assessment 
  • On-site inspection assistance 
  • Assistance with licence application 
  • On-going regulatory awareness and assistance  
  • etc...

Regulatory technology

Looking to introduce an innovative approach to compliance? Artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and robotic process automation (RPA) are more than buzzwords. These technologies have already started to revolutionise the fields of regulatory compliance and help reduce costs, improve efficiency and quality and streamline processes.

PwC can help you successfully develop and implement state-of-the-art technology, or work closely with you to assess which solution from a RegTech best suits your company. Stay ahead by digitising your business.

Tailored approach

We understand that no two organisations are alike, and that one-size-fits-all solutions don’t work. Using a gap analysis study, we’ll quickly identify where you stand with your competitors and with the regulatory requirements applicable to your organisation.

We’ll expose any shortcomings and help you develop a target operating model that suits your specific needs. Our specialists will build a corresponding remediation plan, with clearly defined priorities for action to optimise your chances to comply with the applicable regulations.

End-to-end solution

We’ll guide you step-by-step to ensure that the desired result is achieved across the three lines of defence.

Our approach encompasses all applicable requirements from A to Z; from guidance and analysis to practical implementation. We understand that being compliant is a firmwide endeavour and that to achieve it, every part of your business needs to be involved. We can help you create regulatory awareness throughout your organisation.

Expert compliance team

PwC’s compliance team consists of a diverse range of profiles.

Our unique blend of experience and flexibility allows us to rapidly deploy a well-rounded team to suit your specific needs, wherever you do business.

Global Network

PwC has a solid track record of international collaboration on a wide array of compliance topics.

We have reliable access to an unparalleled global Network of expertise, allowing us to advise you on cross-border projects, processes, and organisations subject to different regulations.

The Market Abuse Regulation

Key concepts and challenges of MAR implementation within Belgian financial institutions

Contact us

Géraldine D'Argembeau

Géraldine D'Argembeau

Partner Risk & Compliance, PwC Belgium

Tel: +32 476 47 19 59

Connect with PwC Belgium