Supporting people’s wellbeing

People are at the heart of our business and everything we do and their wellbeing is a priority.

Helping people thrive

We focus on keeping our people safe and caring about their personal wellbeing. Providing a healthy and positive working environment enables our people to thrive and be the best version of themselves. Our actions also help keep our people engaged and connected with each other and the firm as a whole. We reach out to people in different ways and via a variety of media to cater to different topics and touch as broad an audience as possible. Everyone who joins PwC, at any level and as an employee or contractor, attends an induction day during which health and safety procedures and healthy working practices are explained. Over the past years, we’ve placed a greater focus on people’s overall wellbeing, with a wide variety of initiatives.

fit for you collage

Be Well, Work Well 

Our Be Well, Work Well community represents our wellbeing management platform. It exists to inspire people to integrate healthy habits into their daily life and to inform them about all wellbeing initiatives on offer at PwC . Via the community platform, people can share news and ideas to provide support to help members better manage their energy and stay happy and healthy.


Energy@PwC is a bespoke programme that helps equip people with the knowledge and tools they need to be able to balance their physical, mental and emotional energy and create new (healthy) habits. Energy@PwC involves a 2.5 day investment of people’s time spread across two months to attend interactive workshops and reflection sessions about physical, mental and emotional energy. For extra motivation, attendees can also request one-to-one coaching and inspiration sessions on specific topics. And the journey doesn’t stop once the programme’s over. Energy@PwC alumni are invited to attend a two-day energy Masterclass and booster sessions to give them the chance to reconnect, check in and make sure they’re sustaining their new habits. 

Energy at pwc
Special olympics representation young man with tennis outfit

Fit for You (FfY) 

Our FfY platform supports the efforts of our people to lead healthier lives by offering effective ways to help people find the essential balance between their professional activities and making time for themselves. It focuses specifically on mental resilience, moving more, nutrition and sleep, with information and activities offered throughout the year centred around these themes. Each year, within the programme, we set ourselves an ambitious goal of moving a specific number of kilometres in aid of Special Olympics.


Working together is one of our values at PwC and we try to work as a team in many different ways, including on the sports field. For those who enjoy team sports, we have a number of different sport communities available for people to join and take part in their favourite pastime with colleagues. Sports on offer include tennis, running, hockey, cycling, golf, soccer and padel. The sports community has its own Sports Lounge platform to help members communicate, plan matches and more. Sometimes, teams compete against those of other PwC territories. For more individual sports, such as tennis and golf, players compete against one another in organised PwC tournaments. 

Encouraging a healthy snack 

For many years, we’ve had baskets of fresh fruit delivered twice a week to our offices to encourage people to enjoy a healthy snack during their working day. For every 40 baskets of fruit we eat, our supplier Fruitful Office commits to planting a tree in Malawi.

Taking the strain out of stress 

We also help people reduce their risk of burnout and with other challenges they may face in their professional or personal lives, either via internal support mechanisms or by calling on external experts. Internally, we have two certified confidential advisors (one Dutch speaking and one French speaking), specifically to help with psychosocial risks, who’s on hand to discuss potential solutions and further steps. As external advisors, we work with Securex, Pulso and AG Insurance, depending on the matter at hand. Whether a person seeks help internally or via an external partner, all matters are treated with the utmost confidentiality.

Work@PwC Reimagined 

To help people be their most productive selves and get the most out of their working day, we’ve introduced a new hybrid, flexible way of working. Work@PwC Reimagined enables people to decide the most work effective pattern for them. It was conceived as a result of extensive consultation with our people and internal polling to discover how they’d prefer to work in the future. Work@PwC Reimagined is about trust and an output-based culture. Our focus is on output delivery rather than office presence. When it comes to client work, we expect our people to be open with clients about how they’re empowered to work. As part of the initial engagement discussions it’s important that they understand the client’s expectations and have an open discussion around how they’ll work to best support their needs.

Supporting our families 

Our Parent Community allows parents to exchange tips and tricks on how to best balance work-life-kids and connect with colleagues who might experience the same challenges. The group holds regular physical meetings with the possibility for people to dial in should they wish. Those in the midst of starting a family are supported through the minefield of formalities future parents have to fulfil via a dedicated document that answers all questions with regards to their employment, who to inform and when, their absence, etc.

Non-traditional work schedules 

There are many reasons that people opt for a non-traditional work schedule, including better work/life balance, to care for loved ones, etc. With PwC, people can opt to work part time or our so-called ‘family friendly’ work schedule. The latter makes it possible to work on an 85% part-time basis, with 15% of the time you’re not working planned according to your own wishes and desires. Apart from these more formal arrangements, all our people have the right to an additional 20 days of leave, paid at a lesser rate, with the agreement of their team leader. 

Father with his daughter on tablet

Contact us

Patrick Boone

Patrick Boone

Chairman and Territory Senior Partner, PwC Belgium

Tel: +32 477 61 80 72

Connect with PwC Belgium