Reward in transactions

Reward is key in transactions for motivational and retention purposes and plays a role in every stage of the deal continuum.

being prepared pays off in the end

Being well prepared prior to the process of a sale for (or part of) a business is crucial. We relieve you of the task of gathering and processing key information, preparing it for a data room and drafting a vendor due diligence report. A detailed report offers insights into the HR structure, compensation and benefits framework, retention, succession, and more. And this results in less questions being raised during the actual due diligence process, potentially producing a higher appreciation of the HR structure by any buyer.

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Due diligence:
more than just spotting liabilities

When people think of ‘reward in transactions’, they often think of financial liabilities related to short- and long-term incentive plans, or employee benefit plans like pensions and seniority premiums. By analysing these benefits, we not only determine certain liabilities, but also spot potential opportunities when determining an offer.

Keep your best people post-deal:
ensure the success of a post deal integration through captive reward of key talent

Post-deal actions vary based on the type of deal, be it a standalone acquisition, merger, or another transaction. When implementing a buy and build strategy relating to a merger or  standalone acquisition, it’s necessary to harmonise compensation and benefits packages across several legal entities. The use of financial modelling predicts this impact and decisions can be made while being aware of all financial and legal consequences.

Management incentive plans designed to align and perform 

Management incentive plans exist in all forms and sizes – those offered to management of a listed multinational are significantly different to the ones for private equity houses or funds. We have a deep understanding of the design and use of these types of plans. Combined with our tax knowledge, we often advise management of portfolio companies, fund managers and private equity houses.

Equity plans in corporate actions

Corporate actions like headquarter relocation, stock splits, IPOs, delisting and many more have an impact on your long-term incentive plans. We have assisted several companies in reviewing their plans – analysing the impact for both company and employees, while obtaining tax rulings to ensure tax neutrality.

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Contact us

Bart Van den Bussche

Bart Van den Bussche

Partner, Reward Services, TLS, PwC Belgium

Tel: +32 474 23 93 48

Dominique Vanhove

Dominique Vanhove

Senior Manager, PwC Belgium

Tel: +32 497 67 15 03
