The sale of Expertum to Sofindev

Belgium-based Expertum is an end-to-end provider of SAP consulting, implementation and support services. The company has 150+ employees spread between its offices in Belgium, the Netherlands, Slovenia, and Croatia.

Expertum is a SAP Gold Partner and serves a large and diversified portfolio of blue-chip clients across industries including retail, industrials and technology, amongst others. It holds expertise in a wide range of SAP products and supporting services (e.g., SAP S/4HANA, SAP C/4HANA, SAP Rise, SAP Analytics, SAP Business Technology Platform, and more).

After a competitive auction process, Sofindev acquired a majority stake in Expertum. Previous shareholders, including both co-founders and management were able to participate in the new structure, ensuring their commitment in Expertum’s future.

How we helped

Our PwC X-LoS Transactions team offered Corporate Finance and Financial Vendor Assistance services. The Corporate Finance team led the discussions with Sofindev on behalf of Expertum as the sell-side advisor.

PwC looked for the right investor for Expertum, approaching both financial and trade buyers while focusing on the financial terms but also on the cultural fit with the company. Through the partnership with Sofindev, Expertum wants to continue and accelerate its strong growth trajectory of recent years. This collaboration aspires to further enhance Expertum's position as a leading strategic partner for SAP implementations and related services in the Benelux and beyond. It will also allow the company to play an active role in the consolidation of the SAP consulting market.

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Contact us

Dirk Verheyen

Dirk Verheyen

Partner, Corporate Finance, PwC Belgium

Tel: +32 497 05 13 49

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