Dual ledger accounting enabled by technology: Myth or Reality?

In our series of articles on ‘Future-proofing your statutory reporting function’, we began with an overview of the different drivers defining the context in which multinational organisations may consider bringing their statutory reporting function to the next level (see  ‘People, process, data and technology’).

In this second article, we focus on the technology piece of the puzzle, and how it can be leveraged to move to dual ledger accounting. We touch upon the drivers, the benefits and what needs to be taken into account. 

We also distinguish between scenarios where this dual ledger accounting can be performed internally (within the organisation) versus scenarios where this may make less sense, and an alternative offered by an external international statutory compliance provider may be a better fit.

Enjoy the read and don’t hesitate to reach out and share your thoughts!

Contact us

Jorgen Broothaers

Partner Tax Connected Compliance, Antwerp, PwC Belgium

+32 473 91 02 06


Kim De Smet

Senior Manager, Antwerp, PwC Belgium

+32 492 74 39 29


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