M&A tax

When acquiring a business, disposing of a non-core business or completing a merger you need to manage all tax risks (corporate, VAT, customs and social security). We have the necessary in-depth industry knowledge and expertise of specific tax issues inherent to different sectors to make sure that you benefit from robust value-add insights and have a complete understanding of the target you’re looking to acquire or asset you want to sell.

Through tax structuring, we can also help you make sure that future net cash flows are optimised, adding significant value to any transaction.

Tax due diligence and tax structuring

When acquiring a business, you need to manage all tax risks (corporate, real estate tax, VAT, customs and social security).

We have the necessary in-depth industry knowledge and expertise of specific tax issues inherent to different sectors to make sure that you benefit from robust value-add insights and have a complete understanding of the target you’re looking to acquire.

We can help you align your tax structure with your operations while optimising the financing of the deal and recommend the most optimal acquisition vehicle.

Corporate simplification

We can help you reduce costs and complexity, achieve an aligned and transparent way of doing business and a tax & legal structure which is flexible and fully in line with the intentions of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and with the current global and European tax environments.

With a simplified business and tax model, you’ll enjoy leaner back-office structures and fewer statutory filings, which means substantial cost savings, clear reporting channels and consistent information, which also reduce risk and make the task of compliance simpler, less costly and more effective.

You’ll also enhance flexibility and agility, better positioning you to successfully achieve your goals.

Tax Due Diligence Light

An automated quick scan tool for tax


Find out more

Contact us

Nancy De Beule

Nancy De Beule

Partner Mergers & Acquisitions, PwC Belgium

Tel: +32 473 91 02 90

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