Mergers and acquisitions

Tightening regulations, increased equity requirements and digitisation have created a highly challenging environment for Financial Services (FS) organisations. Is your holdings portfolio optimised to help you stay competitive? PwC FS Deals can help.

Your challenges

In the wake of the financial crisis of 2008 and 2011, increased regulation has led to tighter constraints on financial institutions. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) rules have changed, requiring institutions to possess greater equity and transparency. The cost of increasing equity can be prohibitive, especially for smaller organisations.

As some holdings are more profitable than others, striking and maintaining the right equity balance is increasingly complex. To complicate matters further, digital ‘neo-banks’ are disrupting the industry with lightning-fast services and low fees, contributing to an uncertain and highly competitive climate for traditional institutions.

Do you have the resources in place to remain competitive? Are you able to determine, establish and maintain the right balance of equity holdings? Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are ideal vehicles to help you stay in control of your holdings. PwC will guide you through your deals every step of the way, from Strategy through Execution.


How we can help

Our experienced, multidisciplinary Financial Services Deals specialists take an integrated approach to help you develop a comprehensive deals strategy customised to the unique needs of your organisation. With your specific goals in mind, we work closely with you to plan and structure your transactions, from assessing your current portfolio through financial modelling to tax, accounting and deal structuring.

We cover all angles of due diligence, including analysis of your key business drivers and synergies. Using the latest in data analytics technology, we identify the best opportunities to create value for your organisation. At the close of the deal, we’ll advise on final contract terms and finalise the transaction structure and transition agreements. Post-acquisition, we’ll support you through the transition, integration and reorganisation and with cost-reduction initiatives. As a market leader in deals, we anticipate your needs and put solutions in place before problems arise.

Our dedicated FS Deals team works closely with our cross-border PwC network of tax, compliance, regulatory and accounting specialists to assist you with every aspect of your transactions and optimise the value of your deals.

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Contact us

Philippe Estas

Philippe Estas

Partner, Deals - Transactions & Private Equity Lead, PwC Belgium

Tel: +32 477 27 07 50

Jean Van der Spek

External Consultant M&A FS, PwC Belgium

Tel: +32 498 97 97 91

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