Evi Geerts

Evi Geerts

Partner, Tax & Legal Services, PwC Belgium

Evi joined PwC in 2007 after finalizing her studies at University and a traineeship at PwC during 2006.  As part of the ITPS team she has been assisting multinationals groups, many US based, with their international tax planning and structuring. Assistance ranged from the set-up of new activities in Belgium and other jurisdictions in a tax optimized way to the tax efficient integration of the entities of two group post acquisition.

She is often the main client contact and a coordinator between the different teams involved. She is used to working independently and heads client meetings and calls on a regular basis.   Evi is also part of the finance and treasury group within the ITPS team and has been assisting clients with the set-up and optimization of their intra group financing structures, issues relating to interest deduction limitations and specific withholding tax and thin cap related issues in the frame work of cash pool activities.

In this role she initiates the writing of news flashes and PKN’s on treasury and finance related topics, gives presentations and organizes and leads sessions on the impact of new legislation or case law. Evi has also given presentations during training courses within PwC and has co-authored various publications within her specialization.  Evi holds a Master’s degree in both Law and Tax Law and has an additional qualification in taxation. She has experience in advising on tax planning for national and international company groups.

Evi is a Director in Corporate tax team with a focus on International Tax. Together with the International tax team she assists national and multinational clients on a global basis in developing substance based tax strategies, which, in the current post-BEPS environment, need to be ever more aligned with the company’s business reality. She has experience in advising groups on a wide variety of international tax topics, with a specific focus on making sure appropriate substance is (put) in place.


  • With PwC since 03/09/2007


  • International Tax
  • Substance
  • BEPS/EU related changes
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