Climate change

Guided by our purpose we’re working to help address some of the world’s most urgent challenges, including climate change.

Going for net zero 

PwC has made a worldwide science-based commitment to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2030. Within this, we commit to decarbonising our operations in line with independently validated near-term science-based targets, including our travel footprint, and neutralise our remaining climate impact through carbon removal projects. This commitment includes not just our own operations, but helping the clients we serve reduce their emissions as well.

Moving to a low-carbon and climate resilient future

A multi-pronged approach 

Our approach to fighting climate change is divided into six axes:

  • Raising awareness and engaging employees:
    We can only succeed if we make net zero everyone’s responsibility at PwC Belgium and work together to achieve our aims. 
  • Measuring and monitoring our carbon trajectory:
    Using appropriate tools and technology to measure and monitor our transition to net zero.
  • Implementing actions for reduction:
    Look at all areas where we can reduce emissions, especially business travel, workspaces and technologies.
  • Making net zero a business differentiator:
    Our journey to net zero will benefit clients as we’re part of their Scope 3 (all other indirect emissions that occur in a company’s value chain) in their own transition to net zero.
  • Infusing science-led climate analysis into all our areas of service.
  • Integrating climate-related and other ESG (environmental, social and governance) factors into mainstream corporate reporting and governance.
BMW hybrid electric cars charging

A green mobility strategy

Our conscious move towards carbon-neutral vehicles is just one of the initiatives on our roadmap for sustainable business practices. We carbon offset 100% of our fleet emissions, both for private and professional use, and 100% of travel emissions (air, train, taxi, rental car and hotel). As part of our sustainable mobility plan, we offer our people different multimodal choices to encourage the use of other, more sustainable forms of transport, and reduce the need for car ownership. Indeed, people can opt for a ‘transport credit card’, that offers the convenience and flexibility of switching between different forms of transport, such as public transport, bicycle hire, taxis and pool cars.

Encouraging alternative means of transport

The location of our new PwC Campus in Brussels was also strategically chosen to encourage people to use alternative means of transport. It’s located close to a railway station and has bicycle, tram and bus connections in the vicinity. The building’s also fully equipped to welcome people using more environmentally friendly means of transport. Within the 697 parking spaces at the premises are 164 charging stations for electric vehicles. There are also 60 electric bike charging stations and 125 lockers to allow cyclists to store their gear securely during the day. 

Public transport, train
forest to protect

Offsetting our emissions 

PwC has joined the Lowering Emissions by Accelerating Forest finance (LEAF) Coalition, a public-private initiative that aims to mobilise at least 1 billion US dollars in financing to protect tropical forests by supporting high-quality emission reduction projects from tropical forest countries. This enables us to buy a proportion of our offsetting credits to offset our carbon, meaning we can secure a price for offsetting in a highly volatile carbon market. 

Making a collective promise 

PwC is a signatory to the Belgium Alliance for Climate Action (BACA) Pledge and we’re thereby committed to use our influence to accelerate climate action in line with the Paris agreement. This includes advocating for policy positions consistent with a net zero future and for supportive government policy and goals that will deliver this net zero future before, or at the latest by 2050.

People being trained

Upskilling our people on ESG topics 

Our ESG Academy is the platform via which we train our people on ESG topics to make sure we enhance our collective ESG IQ. It enables us to make sure that we’re integrating ESG into existing offerings and can create new cross-competency services to support clients and communities.

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